[Answer] 6. The ________ 5 made up of five brothers from Indiana was one of the biggest pop music revelation...

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. The ________ 5 made up of five brothers from Indiana was one of the biggest pop music revelation in the 1970s. It is also Mississippi's most populous city, named after a president. Can you identify it?"

...1. Jackson 2. Tulsa 3. Cheyenne 4. San Antonio The Jackson 5 who were made up of the Jackson brothers, have hits including "I want you back" and "Ben'. They split up and had single careers on which Michael Jackson, the youngest, became the most famous among the siblings.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "6. The ________ 5 made up of five brothers from Indiana was one of the biggest pop music revelation in the 1970s. It is also Mississippi's most populous city, named after a president. Can you identify it?"


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