Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Snowflake the gorilla was the most famous resident of the Barcelona Zoo. His children and grandchildren aren't anything like him in appearance though. What made Snowflake so unique?"
...1. He adapted to a polar climate 2. He had a large birthmark in the shape of a snowflake 3. He liked to throw snowballs at the visitors 4. He was the only known albino gorilla in the world Snowflake was born in 1964 in Equatorial Guinea and captured by an ethnic farmer. His entire troop was slaughtered, but he was spared for his rarity. He was later sold to a man who worked for the Barcelona Zoo. Lovingly raised by a veterinarian and his wife for a short time, they eventually had to give him up when he grew larger. The Barcelona Zoo became his new home where he was adored by visitors from all over the world. During his time at the zoo, he fathered 21 children (6 lived until adulthood), and 10 grandchildren. He did not pass on his albinism to any of his descendants. He remained at the zoo until his death in 2003 from skin cancer.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. Snowflake the gorilla was the most famous resident of the Barcelona Zoo. His children and grandchildren aren't anything like him in appearance though. What made Snowflake so unique?"
He was the only known albino gorilla in the world:
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