[Answer] 5. What invention did L�szl� B�r�, a newspaper editor tired of smudges, introduce at the...

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. What invention did L�szl� B�r�, a newspaper editor tired of smudges, introduce at the 1931 Budapest International Fair? "

...1. Fountain pen 2. Ballpoint pen 3. Magic Marker 4. Mechanical pencil Biro, a Jew, fled Hungary, eventually settling in Argentina. Although his pen was an improvement on others' ideas, his name was the one that stuck: ballpoint pens are still commonly called "biros" in Britain and Australia. B�r� sold his patent rights to Marcel Bich, who produced the ubiquitous Bic pen, sometimes called the Bic Biro.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "5. What invention did L�szl� B�r�, a newspaper editor tired of smudges, introduce at the 1931 Budapest International Fair? "

Ballpoint pen:

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