[Ans] Which item serves as the mascot for Pixar Animation Studios?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which item serves as the mascot for Pixar Animation Studios?"

Pixar is an animation film studio best known for its CGI-animated feature films. Pixar has produced 21 feature films, beginning with Toy Story (1995), which was the first-ever computer-animated feature film. The Pixar production logo is a sequence that appears at the beginning and end of most Pixar productions movies, and features a playful desk lamp. The 1986 short film Luxo, Jr. is the source of the small hopping desk lamp included in Pixar's logo. Luxo Jr. serves as the mascot for Pixar Animation Studios, appearing in its production logo before and after each film.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which item serves as the mascot for Pixar Animation Studios?"


Pixar is an animation film studio best known for its CGI-animated feature films. Pixar has produced 21 feature films, beginning with Toy Story (1995), which was the first-ever computer-animated feature film. The Pixar production logo is a sequence that appears at the beginning and end of most Pixar productions movies, and features a playful desk lamp. The 1986 short film Luxo, Jr. is the source of the small hopping desk lamp included in Pixar's logo. Luxo Jr. serves as the mascot for Pixar Animation Studios, appearing in its production logo before and after each film.

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