Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Hoping for a windfall, Ralph took a 'Chance' and ended up being told that he was not allowed to land on 'Go'. Instead, Ralph was sent directly to Jail without receiving any money whatsoever. Where is Ralph?"
...1. On a "Monopoly" board 2. On Pandora 3. In "SimCity" 4. San Francisco What bad luck! Neither Ralph, nor any other player in the game of "Monopoly", is able to escape Jail when they draw the Chance card informing them of the task at hand: "Go to Jail. Go directly to Jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200." When told to go to jail (by any means), the player is unable to do anything but make their way behind bars as per the official rules of the game. Other cards pulled from 'Chance' and 'Community Chest' will allow player to head to specific squares on the board (purchased or not) and if 'Go' is passed, the player can claim their $200. Ralph can leave jail after three turns if he doesn't roll doubles to get out...or he can pay his fine, of course. Of course, when Ralph plays "Monopoly", Kyleisalive is always on hand to make sure he's not cheating...
Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. Hoping for a windfall, Ralph took a 'Chance' and ended up being told that he was not allowed to land on 'Go'. Instead, Ralph was sent directly to Jail without receiving any money whatsoever. Where is Ralph?"
On a "Monopoly" board:
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "4. Hoping for a windfall, Ralph took a 'Chance' and ended up being told that he was not allowed to land on 'Go'. Instead, Ralph was sent directly to Jail without receiving any money whatsoever. Where is Ralph?"
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