[Answer] 10. This breed is a large, water-loving dog who hails from Canada. His long, thick coat is black,...

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "10. This breed is a large, water-loving dog who hails from Canada. His long, thick coat is black, brown, or black and white (which is called a Landseer). He weighs in at up to 150 pounds. "

...1. Norrbottenspets 2. Newfoundland 3. Norwegian Buhund 4. North American Shepherd The Newfie is an extremely gentle dog who has saved many people from drowning in documented cases.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "10. This breed is a large, water-loving dog who hails from Canada. His long, thick coat is black, brown, or black and white (which is called a Landseer). He weighs in at up to 150 pounds. "


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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "10. This breed is a large, water-loving dog who hails from Canada. His long, thick coat is black, brown, or black and white (which is called a Landseer). He weighs in at up to 150 pounds. "

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