[Answer] 1. One of the bloodiest battles in American history occurred here. Ending with one of history's most...

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. One of the bloodiest battles in American history occurred here. Ending with one of history's most famous assaults at Cemetery Ridge with a particular spot called "The Angle". Where is it?"

...1. Brandywine National Park 2. Fort McHenry 3. Gettysburg National Military Park 4. Fort Sumter Historical Site 53,000 men died over three days here between July 1st 1863 and July 3rd 1863. It was the place where the infamous end of the union line stand and bayonet charge was made by the 20th Maine regiment and Colonel Joshua Chamberlain. "The Angle" is a long stone wall that has an 80-yard right angle. This spot saw the bloodiest parts of Gettysburg. (submitted by player Tollchucker)

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. One of the bloodiest battles in American history occurred here. Ending with one of history's most famous assaults at Cemetery Ridge with a particular spot called "The Angle". Where is it?"

Gettysburg National Military Park:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "1. One of the bloodiest battles in American history occurred here. Ending with one of history's most famous assaults at Cemetery Ridge with a particular spot called "The Angle". Where is it?"

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