Answer | What fad item was invented by Gary Dahl in 1975?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What fad item was invented by Gary Dahl in 1975?"

In 1975, Gary Dahl launched the sale of the pet rock which quickly turned him into a multi-millionaire. My Pet Rock sold for $3.95, and creator Gary Dahl unloaded more than five million of the igneous invertebrates in six months. He walked away with a cool $15 million. Dahl imported the rocks from Mexico, packaged them in a cardboard box that mimicked a pet carrier – complete with air holes, and a bed of straw. The fad only lasted about six months, and ended after a short increase in sales during the Christmas season of December 1975.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What fad item was invented by Gary Dahl in 1975?"

Pet Rock:

In 1975, Gary Dahl launched the sale of the pet rock which quickly turned him into a multi-millionaire. My Pet Rock sold for $3.95, and creator Gary Dahl unloaded more than five million of the igneous invertebrates in six months. He walked away with a cool $15 million. Dahl imported the rocks from Mexico, packaged them in a cardboard box that mimicked a pet carrier – complete with air holes, and a bed of straw. The fad only lasted about six months, and ended after a short increase in sales during the Christmas season of December 1975.

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