[Answer] 7. "Love at First Sting" (studio album, 1984) If the album isn't enough of a hint, the band's name...

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. "Love at First Sting" (studio album, 1984) If the album isn't enough of a hint, the band's name should be!"

...1. Sagittarius 2. Scorpio 3. Taurus 4. Pisces Scorpio the Scorpion (October 24 to November 22, 8th House). Ruling Planet: Pluto; Element; Water; Positive Traits: Determination, Passionate, Excitement. "Love at First Sting", the ninth album by (Hey, whaddaya know?) The Scorpions! Released in 1984, this triple-platinum album is memorable for the singles "Rock You Like a Hurricane" (number 25 on Billboard), "Still Loving You" (number 64), and "Bad Boys Running Wild" (along with their accompanying MTV videos).

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