[Answer] 5. If the product you are selling gets popular enough, it may appear in stores as well as your...

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. If the product you are selling gets popular enough, it may appear in stores as well as your commercials! What slogan will most likely be printed on these products?"

...1. "Like cable!" 2. "As seen on TV!" 3. "Great product!" 4. "Infomercial product" "As seen on TV" is a generic phrase that is associated with products sold on infomercials and regular length commercials.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "5. If the product you are selling gets popular enough, it may appear in stores as well as your commercials! What slogan will most likely be printed on these products?"

"As seen on TV!":

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "5. If the product you are selling gets popular enough, it may appear in stores as well as your commercials! What slogan will most likely be printed on these products?"

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