[Answer] 3. You have been diagnosed with tinea pedis, also known as Athlete's foot. This is not usually...

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. You have been diagnosed with tinea pedis, also known as Athlete's foot. This is not usually considered to lead to death, but there is always a first time. What causes this infection?"

...1. Virus 2. Insect bite 3. Fungus 4. Friction from tight fitting shoes The fungus is contagious and thrives in damp, humid environments such as the areas around swimming pools and changing rooms. People who have wet feet for any length of time can also suffer from this infection, which causes itching and flaking of the affected skin. Keeping the feet dry, particularly between the toes, is the best preventive measure. Treatment is by creams or powders on the affected areas, although severe infections may need stronger, oral medication.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "3. You have been diagnosed with tinea pedis, also known as Athlete's foot. This is not usually considered to lead to death, but there is always a first time. What causes this infection?"


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