[Ans] Whose famous last words were, "I have a terrific headache."?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Whose famous last words were, "I have a terrific headache."?"

On this day in 1945, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the longest serving president in American history passed away. "I have a terrific headache." Those were Franklin Delano Roosevelt's final words. He died a few hours later of a cerebral hemorrhage. He was 63 years old. FDR had presided over the Great Depression and most of World War II, and the stress had taken its toll on his health. Within hours of Roosevelt's passing, Vice President Harry S. Truman was summoned to the White House where he took the oath of office.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Whose famous last words were, "I have a terrific headache."?"

Franklin Delano Roosevelt:

On this day in 1945, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the longest serving president in American history passed away. "I have a terrific headache." Those were Franklin Delano Roosevelt's final words. He died a few hours later of a cerebral hemorrhage. He was 63 years old. FDR had presided over the Great Depression and most of World War II, and the stress had taken its toll on his health. Within hours of Roosevelt's passing, Vice President Harry S. Truman was summoned to the White House where he took the oath of office.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Whose famous last words were, "I have a terrific headache."?"

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