[Answer] Prague has much to offer by way of musical heritage and the Aria Hotel is the place to stay for a...

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " Prague has much to offer by way of musical heritage and the Aria Hotel is the place to stay for a harmonious spring break. Each floor of the hotel is dedicated to a musical genre, with each room dedicated to an artist or band of that genre. Which room does Sam stay in when she visits? "

...1. The ABBA Room 2. The J.S. Bach Room 3. The Skrillex Room 4. The Jim Morrison Room

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Prague has much to offer by way of musical heritage and the Aria Hotel is the place to stay for a harmonious spring break. Each floor of the hotel is dedicated to a musical genre, with each room dedicated to an artist or band of that genre. Which room does Sam stay in when she visits? "

the J.S. Bach Room.:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Prague has much to offer by way of musical heritage and the Aria Hotel is the place to stay for a harmonious spring break. Each floor of the hotel is dedicated to a musical genre, with each room dedicated to an artist or band of that genre. Which room does Sam stay in when she visits? "

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